Saturday, July 01, 2006

J.B.'s Talks About...

J.B. Talks About...
Freaked! A Gotee Tribute to "Jesus Freak"
Yes, I am not only your "Dove-ologist", "Veggietales maniac", and "CCM Freak", I also review special albums. (VeggieRocks, WoW Christmas, The Incredible living Christmas Tree.) This time, I'm reviewing the Gotee Records tribute to Jesus Freak! My sister actually bought the CD, but I listened to it and enjoyed it. The hightlight would have to be Relient K's version of "Between You and Me". Relient K does a nice job of adding their signature pop-punk, while staying true to the original. Paul Wright and Ayiesha Woods also cover "Between You and Me". It sounds similar to DC Talk's version. (Except for Ayiesha Woods vocals.) While Freaked! has two covers of "Between You and Me", the CD has three versions of the ground-breaking title track. 4th Avenue Jones has the best cover of "Jesus Freak". 4th Avenue Jones' lead singer takes a back seat on this song and performs the rap, while bandmember Tena Jones sings. John Reuben leads the Gotee Choir for his version of "Jesus Freak", which sounds like a Spanish folk song with William Hung singing. (Good thing it's only two minutes.) I think it was played for laughs, because that's I do when I hear this version. The band Chasing Victory also performs "Jesus Freak". If you thought DC Talk's "Jesus Freak" was too soft, (If that's even possible.) this song is for you. There's no rapping, there's screaming. "In The Light", performed by Storyside:B, sounds very similar to the original song. "So Help Me God" brings some more hard rock to the table. Ayiesha Woods, The Gotee Brothers, & John Reuben give us a soulful "Colored People". "What Have We Become" is an R&B song performed by Liquid. Family Force 5's version of "Mind's Eye" is Family Force 5-ized, yet having an early nineties feel. You can see all the diverse flavor on Freaked! Hard Rock, Hip-Hop, Soul, Punk, basically everything Gotee is goes into this project. It would have nice if they could bring back Out Of Eden for Freaked!, since they were the first artist of TobyMac's Gotee label. This CD is probably good publicity for Gotee's newer artists, such as Ayiesha Woods, Storyside:B, Liquid, & Family Force 5. Overall, this is a good compilation. 4th Avenue Jones & Relient K's songs make this album worth getting.

J.B.'s Top 10!
This month, I'm doing a top 10 of the most played songs in Atlanta. (As of 6/23-6/25) Here's what I got.
10:All That I Am/The Afters
9:Wholly Yours/David Crowder Band
8:Hallelujah/Nicol Sponberg
7:Mountain Of God /Third Day
6:Believe/Andy Chrisman
5:We Are One Tonight/Switchfoot
4:Strong Tower/Kutless
3:Find Your Wings/Mark Harris
2:Praise You In This Storm/Casting Crowns
The number one most played song in Atlanta is...
So Long Self/Mercyme

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