Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Joyful Sound: Issue 15

The Joyful Sound
Issue 15

Our Music Chart
Movie Review: Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit
What's Your Favorite Restaurant?
CD Review: Stand Avalon
Lyric Mania
J.B. Talks About...
Really Reality TV
Question of the Month/Shout Out!

Do you know someone who is graduating?
Next month, we are going to try to have GRAD shout outs!
Send us your shout outs to

Our Music Chart!

1:I'm Not Alright/Sanctus Real #4
2:Everything You Ever Wanted/Hawk Nelson new
3:I'm So Sick/Flyleaf new
4:What Are You Waiting For/Natalie Grant new
5:Love Won't Leave You/Avalon #2
6:The Art Of Breaking/Thousand Foot Krutch #3
7:Diverse City/TobyMac #6
8:Head On Collision/Hawk Nelson new
9:Brat Pack/The Rocket Summer new
Chart Star(s):Hawk Nelson (2 songs on chart)
Songs off chart:Rush/Aly & AJ, The Truth/Relient K, Move/Thousand Foot Krutch, Never Far Behind/Aly & AJ, Who I Am Hates Who I've Been/Relient K.
You don't see your favorite song? You can vote for the next chart. Just send Blair Sanders a list of up to 5 Christian songs you like. You can have up to 3 songs by the same artist.

Movie Review:
Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Written by Courtney Thompson
Yes, you're favorite cheese lovin' smart-alec duo are back, and even better! We start off with the long, but not quite drawn out first beginning. It looks as if there is trouble for the fellow gardeners, so who else but Wallace and Gromit's anti-pesto services could do the trick? Yes I do admit, it starts rather slowly, but the advantage of that is it starts getting interesting, I'd say about 15 minutes in. Overall Score: I love that on the movie instead of trying to throw in as many laughs as they can, they really focus on making a really fun, yet at the same time really, really good movie. 9 out of 10
Rated G
If you would like to write a review for a movie, Christian CD, or video game, write the review and e-mail it to Blair Sanders at

What's Your favorite Restaurant?

What's your favorite Italian restaurant?

Pleasant Hill Rd. Duluth, Ga.
Submitted by
Jordan Sanders

Pleasant Hill Rd. Duluth, Ga.
Submitted by
Debbie Sanders

Olive Garden
Various Locations
Submitted by
Blair Sanders,
Courtney Thompson
Next month's category: What's your favorite cafeteria restaurant?

CD Review:
Stand Avalon
By Blair Sanders
Avalon is back with their sixth full-length album, Stand. Stand kicks off with "The Other Side", a good upbeat CD starter. The first single, "Love Won't Leave You", has more rock in it than other Avalon songs. My sister thought the song was sung by a rock band. The CD slows down with songs like "Orphans of God", an anthem sung by Janna Long. The popular vocal quartet covers Russ Taff's classic "We Will Stand". Taff even makes a guest appearence. "Jesus" is a worshipful song to our savior. "When The Time Comes" is a power ballad. Stand has its fair share of upbeat pop songs such as "Somehow You Are" and "I Survive". Stand closes with the soft "Where Joy and Sorrow Meet". Stand is a great CD. It's good for longtime Avalon fans and new fans. They are heading in a good direction without straying too far.
Tracks: 10 Stars: 4 1/2 (of 5)
Genre: Pop

Lyric Mania
Last month's answers:
Song 1: Love Won't Leave You/Avalon
Song 2: Rush/Aly & AJ
Song 3: Who I Am Hates Who I've Been/Relient K

Gold: Jordan Sanders
(All songs are on Our Music Chart.)
(_______ means title.)

Song 1: "So you want to change the world, ________. You say you're gonna start right now, ________. It only takes one voice, so come on now and shout it out. Give a little more, ________."
Song 2: "_________. I'm broken inside, broken inside. In all I go through, it leads me to you. Leads me to you."
Song 3: "They call us _________. We're colorful good. It's like a freak show in your neighborhood. So if you want to praise, you can come on down, cause this freak show is leaving the ground."
If you know the answers to any of these songs, e-mail your answers to
Good luck!

"Roseville's Who-done-it Part 3"
Last time we left Roseville, there were a lot of accidents. First, the music equipment for the youth group shorted out. A week later, when John was about to sing, a light fell and nearly crushed John. Luckily for John, His best friend Josh Supper, pushed him out of the way. Then John got a threatening note that said, "John, stop singing or else more bad things may come! J.S."
"J.S.!" shouted Rachel. "It's Joseph! His initials are J.S." "Why Joseph?" asked John. Lawrence answered, "He's mean-spirited. This is the kind of thing he would do". "I don't think it's him," John replied. "He may be a jerk, but I don't think it's him." Then John left.
"That's rather suspicious," noted JB. "It seems like this piece of evidence is pointing directly to Joseph, but John doesn't think it's him." "Do you think John might know something we don't?" asked Rachel. "Yeah, he looked like he was in a hurry to leave," added Lawrence. Then JB said, "Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this."
Rachel, JB, and Lawrence went to find John to see if he could give them some answers. John found them before they found him. "Guys, I know what happened. I know who did it. I know why they did it," said John. "It's not Joseph. It wasn't Ruth Banner. It was not Daniel Cruiser. I was involved with the accidents."
The trio was in shock. "I didn't actually cause the accidents, but I know who did," explained John. "I didn't really want the job of worship leader. I kind of have stage fright. I can see in front of a couple of people, but not a crowd. I told Josh my problem. He wanted to help me. We tried to conquer my stage fright, but it wasn't happening. The big night came for me to perform. I still hadn't gotten over my stage fright. Josh knew how to work the music equipment. He cut a few wires to prevent me from performing. He made sure what he cut wouldn't hurt anyone, but it did damage the machine. I was kind of relieved."
"You mean Josh did all that stuff!" shouted JB. "Wait, Josh couldn't have made the light fall, said Lawrence, "He was with you when it fell. He pushed you out of the way." John then answered, "Josh didn't make the light fall. He had someone else cut the wire that the light was hanging from. Josh completed stuntman class, so he made sure he pushed me away right in the nick of time." Rachel had a question, "John, if you knew all about this, why didn't you say anything to anyone before?" "I didn't know until I got the note. When I saw the initials J.S., I figured out that it was Josh. I was heading to his house when I saw you. When you thought it was Joseph, I told you that I didn't think it was him, but I didn't tell you about Josh because I wasn't sure myself."
"Since you know everything now, are you going to tell Pastor John or keep it a secret?" asked JB. John answered, "Josh said I could tell on him. He's planning to pay for a lot of the damages." "If Josh didn't tell you to tell Pastor John, would you still tell Pastor John what happened?" asked Lawrence. John replied, "I would be in a tough spot. Telling Pastor John would be the right thing. However, Josh did all of that to help me. He was a little wacky about how to help me, but he made sure I wouldn't get hurt. He shouldn't have done what he did, but it's the thought that counts." John told Pastor John everything that happened. Even though Josh shouldn't have done all that stuff, Pastor John was pretty easy on him. Josh only had to pay a fifth of the damages and work at the church for a while. Josh didn't mind that at all.
J.B. Talks About...
Veggietales' Sheerluck Holmes & The Golden Ruler
Here's my take on the newest Veggietales release, Sheerluck Holmes & The Golden Ruler. A decent show. Not quite as good as Duke & The Great Pie War or Lord Of The Beans, but better than A Snoodle's Tale & Sumo Of The Opera. It starts off like a traditional Veggietales video, at the countertop. Bob & Larry get a letter from a girl in Minot, North Dakota. Larry has fun with the fact she's from Minot. The girl is having trouble making friends, so Bob & Larry have a couple of stories for her. The first story is The Asparagus Of La Mancha. The story stars Archibald Asparagus & Mr. Lunt. This story reminded me of Jonah because it has Archibald sane at first, then has him go crazy later. After The Asparagus Of La Mancha, comes the silly song, "The Gated Community". "The Gated Community" is about Larry losing his toy ball in a sophisticated, upscale neighborhood. The song actually has Matthew West as a vocalist. However, you won't really recognize his voice. After the silly song, the main story begins. Larry plays Sheerluck Holmes and Bob plays Dr. Watson. Sheerluck and Watson go to an ice cream parlor, where Sheerluck is a celebrity. Sheerluck tells stories about his cases and how he always won, making Watson feel bad. Why does Watson feel bad? Because it's Watson, not Sheerluck that solves every case, and Sheerluck gets all the credit. The focus soon turns to Buckingham Palace, where the key to the Golden Ruler was stolen. As the duo tries to figure out who stole the key, Sheerluck realizes he treated Watson badly. Sheerluck and the Golden Ruler was good for now, but I'm excited about the new Larryboy video, Larryboy & The Bad Apple!

J.B.'s News
The last couple of issues, I've been talking about the Dove Award nominations. Here are the winners.
Song of the Year:
"How Great Is Our God" Chris Tomlin
Male Vocalist of the Year:
Chris Tomlin
Female Vocalist of the Year:
Natalie Grant
Group of the Year:
Casting Crowns
New Artist of the Year:
The Afters
Artist of the Year:
Chris Tomlin
J.B. Says: I figured Chris Tomlin would win Song of the Year, but with "Holy Is The Lord", not "How Great Is Our God". Chris Tomlin also beat Jeremy Camp for Male Vocalist of the Year. FINALLY! Natalie Grant wins Female Vocalist. She has been nominated several times, but this time she won. New Artist of the Year: The Afters. Group of the Year: Casting Crowns.

Really Reality TV

The Amazing Race "Is it just me, or is anyone getting tired of Eric & Jeremy getting either first or second every week. I hope they slip up soon in the race. If they don't, it will be a boring finale. Fran & Barry are doing better than expected. I'm sad that geeky couple, Dave & Lori got out. They were a good team. Even though they bicker, Lake & Michelle make an entertaining team. My final three: BJ & Tyler, Lake & Michelle, and Fran & Barry. Most likely final three: BJ & Tyler, Eric & Jeremy, and Ray & Yolanda." -Blair Sanders

American Idol "Yes, very unfortunate it was... last week waiting anxiously on the sofa for my ABSOLUTE favorite reality show, the one, the only American Idol. What was unfortunate you ask? Well, the fact that it was the most boring episode of American Idol just about ever (And I have proof from the judges). The first performance was not SO terrible (as the judges criticized Lisa Tucker's performance) in my opinion, just compared to former Idol winner Clarkson's version. In my opinion the worst and the most overated performance was by far Eliott's which got the judges praise. The show-stealer of the night was obviously Paris Bennet's Beyonce. I was really hoping for Ace to be cut, Lisa was one of my favorites! Definitely not one of my favorite weeks." -Courtney Thompson
Survivor: Exile Island "Ok, we're at the merge. With the way Shane and Bruce were acting, you would think they were going to jump ship. They didn't. I guess they got used to Courtney and Danielle. My favorites are still Cirie, Austin, and Bruce, but for some strange reason I like Shane. I admit, he was kind of a jerk pulling together the Casaya meeting in front of everyone including the folks from La Mina. Shane is interesting when he's fighting with Courtney. Personally, I think Cirie is going to win. She's flying under the radar and not getting into the drama. She is also very likable, so if she's in the final two with anyone she'll probably win. Her only competition in the final two might be Terry, and if anyone is smart they will vote for him if he dosen't win immunity." -Blair Sanders
If you have a favorite reality show, let us know what you think. Just e-mail your thoughts on your favorite reality TV show to

Shout Out!
Funny Joke:
Mia: The way I see it, a penny equals one million dollars, and a second equals one million years.Brett: So can I have a penny?Mia: Just wait one second.
-Submitted by Courtney Thompson
Don't forget to check out the Joyful Sound website:
Question of the Month!
What is your favorite part about summer?
Answer us at

Next Month!

Our Music Chart
CD Review: The Face Of Love Sanctus Real
What's Your Favorite Restaurant?
Lyric Mania
Movie Reviews
J.B.'s Talks About...
Shout Out
Really Reality TV
And More!

Do you know someone who is graduating?
Next month, we are going to have GRAD shout outs! You can make your Grad feel appreciated. E-mail your shout out to Thanks!

God bless,
Blair Sanders-Editor

Welcome to The Joyful Sound!

This is the blog of the Joyful Sound. Please comment if you want to do anything for the next issue. Thanks!